Descargar Ebook BookesLa Historia Interminable (Spanish Edition)

e-libro descargar gratis La Historia Interminable (Spanish Edition)

e-libro descargar gratis La Historia Interminable (Spanish Edition)

e-libro descargar gratis La Historia Interminable (Spanish Edition)

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e-libro descargar gratis La Historia Interminable (Spanish Edition)

While reading a strange book, a lonely boy named Bastian learns that the kingdom of Fantastica is in serious danger. Now a character in the book, he must travel to the mysterious land to give the Childlike Empress a new name. Accompanied by the brave warrior Atreyu, Bastian must face dragons, giants, monsters, and magic... and thus begins his most incredible adventure: The Neverending Story, Michael Endes masterpiece that has already become a classic. This epic work of the imagination has captured the hearts of millions of readers worldwide since its first release. Its special story within a story is an irresistible invitation for readers to become part of the book itself. Leyendo un extraño libro, Bastían averigua que el reino de Fantasía corre serio peligro. Sólo si se reune con el valiente guerrero Atreyu, Fantasía podrá salvarse...Y Bastían inicia así la más increible de las aventuras.
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